27 - Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Morski biodiverzitet 27
Set 4 www.climatefresk.org 27 Pteropodi i kokolitofori su u osnovi lanca ishrane okeana . Ako budu dovedeni do izumiranja , sav morski biodiverzitet c e biti ugrožen . Zagrevanje okeanskih voda takođe ugrožava morski biodiverzitet .


Porast temperature vode

Porast temperature vode

Pteropode i kokolitofore

Pteropode i kokolitofore



Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Yes, because of fishing.

Other possible causes

Ljudske aktivnosti

Ljudske aktivnosti

With this link, we highlight all the degradations that humans are inflicting on marine life such as plastic pollution and overfishing. It's irrelevant to climate change, but it's interesting to make the connection anyway.
Fosilna goriva

Fosilna goriva

Oils slicks in the ocean are an example of a link between fossil fuels and marine biodiversity.
Otapanje morskog leda

Otapanje morskog leda

There's probably some sort of link here...
Onemogućavanje procesa kalcifikacije

Onemogućavanje procesa kalcifikacije

Calcification problems do not only affect pteropods and coccolithophores. Coral reefs are also affected, for example, so this link is acceptable.
Kopneni biodiverzitet

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Other possible consequence

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Biološka raznovrsnost mora

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