28 - Vektori zaraznih bolesti

Prenosioci bolesti 28
Set 5 www.climatefresk.org 28 Neke životinje nose bolesti . Globalno zagrevanje dovodi do toga da migriraju , pa je tako mogu c e da dođu do populacija koje nemaju imunitet protiv takvih bolesti .


Kopneni biodiverzitet

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Vectors of disease are just one part of biodiversity. They will move like the rest.


Ljudsko zdravlje

Vektori zaraznih bolesti

Other possible causes

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa/kruženja vode

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa/kruženja vode

The Vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.
Porast temperature

Porast temperature

The vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.


Wrong cause

Plavljenje reka

Plavljenje reka

Be wary of common misconceptions about flooding, marshes, mosquitos... Flooding can cause sanitation issues, but that is not what we are talking about here.
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