17 - Porast temperature vode

17 Rastu c a temperatura vode
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 17 Okeani apsorbuju 91 % energije akumulirane na Zemlji . Zbog toga se temperatura vode pove c ala , posebno blizu površine . Voda se širi kako se zagreva .


Energetski bilans

Energetski bilans


Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa/kruženja vode

Porast temperature vode

Porast nivoa mora

Porast temperature vode

Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Porast temperature vode


Porast temperature vode

Wrong consequence

Acidifikacija okeana

Porast temperature vode

The increase of water temperature is not linked to ocean acidification, at least for the time being. In the long term (over several centuries), as it heats up, the water will lose its capacity to dissolve atmospheric CO2 and will become less efficient as a carbon sink. So the increase in water temperature will inhibit, to some extent, ocean acidification.
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