25 - Kopneni biodiverzitet

Kopneni biodiverzitet 25
Set 4 www.climatefresk.org 25 Na životinje i biljke utiču promene temperature i poreme c aj ciklusa vode . Mogu migrirati ili izumreti . Neke od njih mogu napredovati i razmnožavati se.


Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa/kruženja vode

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa/kruženja vode

Porast temperature

Porast temperature


Vektori zaraznih bolesti

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Vectors of disease are just one part of biodiversity. They will move like the rest.
Smanjenje poljoprivrednih prinosa

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Bees and worms are indispensable to agriculture.

Other possible causes

Ljudske aktivnosti

Ljudske aktivnosti

Humans occupy almost all available space on Earth, leaving no room for animals and plants. This entails the disappearance of natural habitats and it is the main cause of biodiversity loss today, well ahead of climate change.
Krčenje šuma (Deforestacija)

Krčenje šuma (Deforestacija)



Here, we are thinking mainly of pesticides (especially Roundup or neonicotinoids). No link with the climate, but an interesting relation to make.
Otapanje morskog leda

Otapanje morskog leda

The poor polar bear is a powerful symbol of the climat. If players make this connection, suggest they draw a bear!
Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Šumski požari

Šumski požari

This is a more minor link, except for specific biodiversity-rich areas.

Other possible consequence

Biološka raznovrsnost mora

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Wrong consequence


Kopneni biodiverzitet

It would be more logical to link to agricultural yields.
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