8 - Poljoprivreda

Poljoprivreda 8
Set 2 www.climatefresk.org 8 Poljoprivreda ne emituje mnogo CO 2 , ali emituje velike količine metana ( zbog uzgoja stoke i pirinča ) i azot - oksida ( iz đubriva ). Sve u svemu , poljoprivreda čini 25 % gasova staklene bašte ako uključimo indukovanu seču šuma.Poljoprivreda


Ljudske aktivnosti

Ljudske aktivnosti

accounts for 25% of GHGs if we include induced deforestation.


Krčenje šuma (Deforestacija)


Deforestation is due for 80% to agriculture. It can be considered as a human activity or as a consequence of agriculture of both.
Ostali gasovi sa efektom staklene bašte


The pictures in the background of card 9 should put you on the track!

Other possible consequences

Fosilna goriva


Agriculture does not use much fossil fuel, just enough to keep tractors running. Its carbon emissions are high, bu mainly because of methane and nitrous oxide.
Emisija CO2


Agriculture does not emit much CO2 except from deforestation. Its carbon emissions mainly come from othe GHGs.


Spraying crops does result in aerosols and air pollution, but not to the same extent as incomplete combustion from power plants.
Ponori ugljenika


It doesn't matter if this link is not made, but it is true that agriculture can improve storage capacity through photosynthesis. This is the 0.4% principle (if we increased the soil's capacity to sequester carbon by even 0,4%, we would have a significant impact on CO2).
Kopneni biodiverzitet


Here, we are thinking mainly of pesticides (especially Roundup or neonicotinoids). No link with the climate, but an interesting relation to make.

Wrong causes

Kopneni biodiverzitet

Kopneni biodiverzitet

It would be more logical to link to agricultural yields.
Smanjenje poljoprivrednih prinosa

Smanjenje poljoprivrednih prinosa

Yes, the yield decline does affect agriculture, but the agriculture card is here to stand for one of the causes of GHG emissions.
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