42 - "Hydrates de méthane"

"Hydrates de méthane" 42
Lot 5 www.fresqueduclimat.org 42 Ireo "hydrates de méthanes" (na "clathrates de méthane") dia karazana ranomandry mipetraka any amin'ny fanambanin'ny ranomasimbe, eny amin'ny tahalan'ny tany, izay mitahiry "méthanes". Mety hiova bika izy ireo rehefa ambonin'ny + 2 ° C ny hafanana.


fitsonik'ireo ranomandry ety ambonin'ny tany

fitsonik'ireo ranomandry ety ambonin'ny tany

Freshwater coming from the melting of Greenland may threaten the thermohaline circulation.


Lavaka karibona

"Hydrates de méthane"

CO2 is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of CO2 by the ocean.
Fifandanjana angovo

"Hydrates de méthane"

Heat is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of energy by the ocean.
Fikorotanan'ny tsingerin'ny rano

"Hydrates de méthane"

Weakening of thermohaline circulation may disrupt water cycle even more in many places in the word.
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