41 - "Permafrost"

"Permafrost" 41
Lot 5 www.fresqueduclimat.org 41 Ny "permafrost" dia hanambarana ny tany mivaingana foana . Tsikaritra anefa fa manomboka miharava ary manaparitaka "méthane" sy CO 2 eny amin'ny rivotra satria miha lo ireo singa organika nadrafitra azy ireo . Io trangan - javatra io dia miha aingana ary mety hitera - doza eo amin'ny toetry ny andro rehefa ambonin'ny + 2 ° C


Fiakaran'ny hafanana

Fiakaran'ny hafanana


Entona maitso hafa


Other possible cause

Fifandanjana angovo

Fifandanjana angovo

If we take the idea of energy conservation all the way, we can link the energy budget to the thawing of permafrost.

Other possible consequences

Entona maitso fanampiny


The permafrost card can be linked either to Other GHGs or to Additional Greenhouse Effect. The Other GHGs card is about GHGs emitted by human activities, while the methane in permafrost is not of human origin.
Mpitondra aretina


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