38 - Sănătatea umană

Sănătatea umană 38
Set 5 www.climatefresk.org 38 Foametea, deplasarea vectorilor de boli, valurile de căldură și conflictele armate pot afecta sănătatea umană.




Although aerosols are not alone in the "fine particle" category, every year 391,000 people in EU countries die from air pollution, and it causes 1.1 million premature deaths in India and China. Air pollution such as soot caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil was responsible for 8.7m deaths globally in 2018.
Inundații fluviale

Inundații fluviale

Floods can lead to grave sanitary issues : sewers overflow, cholera threatens.
Vectori de boli

Vectori de boli



Sunday, August 2, 2020, Florida is preparing for the passage of Isaias, the hurricane that dumped torrential rains on the Bahamas the day before. It could regain strength and test the emergency services of one of the states most affected by the Covid-19 epidemic in the United States. It has more than 480,000 cases detected since the start of the pandemic, surpassing New York, long the epicentre of the American epidemic in the spring, and second only to California, which has twice the population. Due to the weather, the state has had to close Covid-19 testing centres, many of which were set up in tents, in anticipation of the hurricane's arrival, although county testing centres remain open.


630 people died in Californian wildfires in autumn 2018.


Heat waves can be devastating, especially for the elderly.


Refugiați climatici

Refugiați climatici

Conflicte armate

Conflicte armate

A bullet is not good for health

Other possible causes

Creșterea temperaturii

Creșterea temperaturii

Rezerve de apă dulce

Rezerve de apă dulce

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