31 - Rezerve de apă dulce

Rezerve de apă dulce 31
Set 5 www.climatefresk.org 31 Rezervele de apă dulce sunt afectate de schimbările de precipitații și de dispariția ghețarilor care joacă un rol important în reglarea debitului de apă .


Topirea ghețarilor

Topirea ghețarilor

Melting glaciers threaten water supplies. Indeed, the relative importance of glacier melt water in summer can be considerable, contributing for example to 25% of August flows in the basins draining the European Alps, with an area of about 105 km2 and only 1% glacial cover. Their disappearance could be catastrophic for cities located in valleys watered by rivers flowing down from the surrounding mountains and for freshwater fauna. Glacier meltwater also increases in importance during droughts and heat waves.
Inundații fluviale

Inundații fluviale

Flooding can lead in some cases to contamination of freshwater resources and affect drinking water systems.



Scăderea randamentelor agricole

Rezerve de apă dulce

Conflicte armate

Rezerve de apă dulce

Other possible cause

Submersiuni în zonele de coastă

Submersiuni în zonele de coastă

If seawater rises, it can penetrate the water tables, which are freshwater reserves.

Other possible consequences


Rezerve de apă dulce

If we consider that hunger and famines are not only a lack of food but also a lack of water.
Sănătatea umană

Rezerve de apă dulce

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