5 - Angovo fôsily

Angovo fôsily 9 Gtc/taona Tanjona: aotra CO 2 amin'ny 2070 5
Lot 1 www.fresqueduclimat.org 5 Ny angovo fôsily dia ny aritany , ny solika fandrehitra ary ny entona izay ilaina indrindra amin'ny trano , fitanterana ary amin'ny indostria . Izy ireo dia mamoaka CO 2 rehefa ampiasaina .




Fampiasana trano

Fampiasana trano




Famoahana ny CO2

Angovo fôsily

It's written on card 7!

Angovo fôsily

Other possible causes

Fambolena sy fiompiana

Fambolena sy fiompiana

Agriculture does not use much fossil fuel, just enough to keep tractors running. Its carbon emissions are high, bu mainly because of methane and nitrous oxide.
Fifandirana ara-tafika

Fifandirana ara-tafika

Conflicts are often linked to fossil fuels, but the link is more the other way round.

Other possible consequences

Asa aman-draharaha ataon'ny zanak'olombelona

Angovo fôsily

What comes first? Do human activities cause the use of fossil fuels or do fossil fuels ensable human activities? Don't waste time on this and group the two cards together if necessary. Plenty of activities, happily, do not require burning fossil fuels, like windmills and watermills grinding grains for flour.
Harena voajanahary any anaty ranomasina

Angovo fôsily

Oils slicks in the ocean are an example of a link between fossil fuels and marine biodiversity.
Fifandirana ara-tafika

Angovo fôsily

Although conflicts may occur because of resources, they are not directly caused by climate change, rather by resource depletion or scarcity. The relationship can be made, but it is due more to politics than to the climate crisis.
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