15 - Forzante radiativo

15 Source: IPCC SSP5 - 8.5 SSP3 - 7.0 SSP2 - 4.5 SSP 1 - 2.6 SSP1 - 1.9 Total Total anthropique Volcanic Aerosols (effet direct) Aerosols (effet indirect) Land Use CO 2 CH 4 N 2 O Other WMGHG Tropospheric O 3 Stratospheric H 2 O Contrails Black carbon on snow Solar 2,8 W/m² Aerosol Effetto serra Forzante radiativo
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 15 Il forzante radiativo è la misura dello squilibrio tra l'energia che arriva ogni secondo sulla terra e quella che viene rilasciata. Corrisponde a 3,8 W/m ² (Watt per m ² ) per effetto serra e - 1 W/m ² per gli aerosol, cioè 2,8 W/m ² in tutto.




Aerosols cool down the climate.
Effetto serra addizionale

Effetto serra addizionale

The expression "Greenhouse Effect" is written on both sides (as of last version, October 2018).


Bilancio energetico

Forzante radiativo

The text behind card n14 allows no ambiguity. Therefore the 2 cards have to be skipped together or not at all.

Other possible causes



Scioglimento della banchisa

Scioglimento della banchisa

When the ice pack melts, a white surface is replaced by a dark blue surface, which has a lower albedo and therefore absorbs more energy. This relationship is not essential but it does allow another feedback loop of the game to be put forward.
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