26 - فيضان النهر

رهنلا ناضيف 26
Set 4 www.climatefresk.org 26 ةدايز ىلإ هايملا ةرود بارطضا يدؤي نأ نكمي هايملا ليلقت وأ هايملا . نم ديزملا يدؤي نأ نكمي راهنلا ناضيف ىلإ هايملا . ببسب ةبرتلا تفج اذإ فني ءاملا نل اًءوس روملا ديزي كلذ نإف ، فافجلا د .


تعطيل دورة المياه

تعطيل دورة المياه



See card n26: "If the soil is dried by drought it's worse because the water runs off."


موارد المياه العذبة

فيضان النهر

Flooding can lead in some cases to contamination of freshwater resources and affect drinking water systems.
انخفاض في الغلات الزراعية

فيضان النهر

صحة الإنسان

فيضان النهر

Floods can lead to grave sanitary issues : sewers overflow, cholera threatens.

Other possible causes

استخدام المباني

استخدام المباني

Soil artificialisation is also responsible for flooding because the soil is no longer able to absorb rain water.
إزالة الغابات

إزالة الغابات

Vegetation retains water. Cutting it down can lead to flooding.
ذوبان الأنهار الجليدية

ذوبان الأنهار الجليدية

It is possible, in certain circumstances of high heat, that very fast rapid melting of glaciers may cause flooding. But the real concern about these glaciers is that they are gradually disappearing, depriving downstream irrigation of a top-up in summer.

Wrong consequences

نواقل المرض

فيضان النهر

Be wary of common misconceptions about flooding, marshes, mosquitos... Flooding can cause sanitation issues, but that is not what we are talking about here.
الغمر البحري

فيضان النهر

Do not make any confusion between floods and submersions. Floods concern rivers (it's fresh water) while submersions concern sea water (salt water).
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