3 - Upotreba u zgradama

Korišcenje zgrada 3
Set 2 www.climatefresk.org 3 Građevinski sektor ( stambena i komercijalna upotreba ) koristi fosilna goriva i električnu energiju . Ovaj sektor obuhvata 20 % emisije Gasova staklene bašte (GSB).


Ljudske aktivnosti

Ljudske aktivnosti

accounts for 20% of GHG emissions


Fosilna goriva

Upotreba u zgradama

Other possible consequences

Krčenje šuma (Deforestacija)

Upotreba u zgradama

It can be said that heating buildings with wood is in part responsible for deforestation, but it is not significant. Neither is building a major cause of deforestation. Agriculture is the main cause of deforestation, way in front of buildings and their usage.

Upotreba u zgradama

Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating.
Plavljenje reka

Upotreba u zgradama

Soil artificialisation is also responsible for flooding because the soil is no longer able to absorb rain water.
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