42 - Weakening Gulf Stream

Dobësimi i qarkullimit rrymës gjirit 42
Seti 5 www.climatefresk.org 42 Rryma e gjirit është pjesë e qarkullimit termohalin oqeanit . Kjo rrymë mund dobësohet si pasojë e grumbullimit ujit ëmbël nga shkrirja e shtresës akullit Grenlandës . Kjo mund shkaktojë çrregullim edhe madh ciklit ujit dhe ta zvogëlojë kapacitetin e oqeanit për përthithur shumë karbon dhe nxehtësi .


Melting Ice Sheets

Melting Ice Sheets

Freshwater coming from the melting of Greenland may threaten the thermohaline circulation.


Carbon Sinks

Weakening Gulf Stream

CO2 is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of CO2 by the ocean.
Energy Budget

Weakening Gulf Stream

Heat is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of energy by the ocean.
Disruption of the Water Cycle

Weakening Gulf Stream

Weakening of thermohaline circulation may disrupt water cycle even more in many places in the word.
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