21 - Rising Temperatures

° C 5 4 3 2 1 0 2000 2015 2050 2100 1950 Sorga : GIEC Modèl natural solament (solari e volcanic) Modèl natural e causat pels umans Observat Cambiament de temperatura de la susfàcia mondiala rapòrt a 1850 - 1900 + 5 ° C + 1.5 ° C + 1.2 ° C Pujada de las temperaturas 21
Set 1 www.climatefresk.org 21 Parlam aquí de la temperatura de l'aire al sòl , en mejana sus la susfàcia de la Tèrra . A ja aumentat de 1,2 ° C dempuèi 1900. Segon los scenaris d'emissions , aurà aumentat de 1,5 ° C a 5 ° C d'aquí a 2100. Çaquelà , pendent lo darrièr periòde glaciari (fa 20.000 ans ), èra sonque 5 ° C mai bassa qu'uèi ... e la desglaciacion durèt 10.000 ans !


Energy Budget

Energy Budget

As mentionned on card 21, this is the temperature of the air, above ground, in average on the Earth.


Disruption of the Water Cycle

Rising Temperatures

Terrestrial Biodiversity

Rising Temperatures

Decline in Agricultural Yields

Rising Temperatures

In northern countries, a little increase in temperature can lead to better yields, but in southern countries, it's the contrary: Any degree warmer is a decrease in yields.

Rising Temperatures


Rising Temperatures

Other possible consequences

Vectors of Disease

Rising Temperatures

The vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.
Human Health

Rising Temperatures

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