15 - Radiative Forcing

15 Avots: IPCC SSP5 - 8.5 SSP3 - 7.0 SSP2 - 4.5 SSP1 - 2.6 SSP1 - 1.9 Kopsumma Antropogēniskā kopsumma Vulkāni Aerosoli (tiešais efekts) Aerosoli (netiešais efekts) Zemes izmantošana CO 2 CH 4 N 2 O Citas izplatītas SEG Troposfēras O 3 Stratosfēras H 2 O Kondensācijas takas Melns ogleklis uz sniega Saules 2.8 W/m² Aerosoli Papildu siltumnīcas efekts Radiācijas piespiešana
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 15 Radiācijas piespiešana atspoguļo atšķirību starp enerģiju, kas katru sekundi sasniedz Zemi, un enerģiju, kas tiek atbrīvota. Tā ir novērtēta ar 2,8 W/m² (vati uz kvadrātmetru), +3,8 W/m² no siltumnīcas efekta un - 1 W/m² no aerosoliem.




Aerosols cool down the climate.
Additional Greenhouse Effect

Additional Greenhouse Effect

The expression "Greenhouse Effect" is written on both sides (as of last version, October 2018).


Energy Budget

Radiative Forcing

The text behind card n14 allows no ambiguity. Therefore the 2 cards have to be skipped together or not at all.

Other possible causes



Melting Sea Ice

Melting Sea Ice

When the ice pack melts, a white surface is replaced by a dark blue surface, which has a lower albedo and therefore absorbs more energy. This relationship is not essential but it does allow another feedback loop of the game to be put forward.
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