24 - Ocean Acidification

출처 : IPCC 24 RCP 시나리오에 따른 해양 산성화 (pH) 해양 산성화
세트 2 www.climatefresk.org 24 CO 2 바다에 용해되면 산성 이온 (H 2 CO 3 HCO 3 - ) 으로 바뀝니다 . 이것은 바다를 산성으로 만들고 pH 떨어뜨립니다 .


Carbon Sinks

Carbon Sinks

The word "Ocean" is written on both sides.


Calcification difficulties

Ocean Acidification

Wrong causes

CO2 Emissions

CO2 Emissions

Why not but rather link Card 12 (Carbon sinks) to card 24. It is meant for it.
Concentration of CO2 (ppm)

Concentration of CO2 (ppm)

Players often identify CO2 concentration as a cause for ocean acidification. But it is more logical to link back to carbon sinks.
Rising Water Temperature

Rising Water Temperature

The increase of water temperature is not linked to ocean acidification, at least for the time being. In the long term (over several centuries), as it heats up, the water will lose its capacity to dissolve atmospheric CO2 and will become less efficient as a carbon sink. So the increase in water temperature will inhibit, to some extent, ocean acidification.
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