40 - Conflitti armati

Conflitti armati 40
Set 5 www.climatefresk.org 40 E' così che bisognerebbe evitare che finisca…


Risorse di acqua dolce

Risorse di acqua dolce



Rifugiati climatici

Rifugiati climatici


Salute umana

Conflitti armati

A bullet is not good for health
Rifugiati climatici

Conflitti armati

Other possible cause

Combustibili fossili

Combustibili fossili

Although conflicts may occur because of resources, they are not directly caused by climate change, rather by resource depletion or scarcity. The relationship can be made, but it is due more to politics than to the climate crisis.

Other possible consequences

Attività umane

Conflitti armati

It's the final loop of the Club of Rome. All this will eventually regulate itself, but not necessarily peacefully. The players often make this link and sometimes propose to roll up the Fresk to connect the beginning and ending edges. Moreover, it is noteworthy that humankind appears in the first and last cards, but not in the middle of the Fresk.
Combustibili fossili

Conflitti armati

Conflicts are often linked to fossil fuels, but the link is more the other way round.
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