20 - Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

20 Infiltracija Snijeg Kiša Oblaci Isparavanje Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 20 Topliji oceani i toplija atmosfera dovode do većeg isparavanja , koje uzrokuje stvaranje kišnih oblaka ioborine . Toplija zemlja i toplija atmosfera isto tako dovode do većeg isparavanja , koje u tom slučaju uzrokuje isušivanje zemlje .


Povišenje temperature vode

Povišenje temperature vode

Povišenje temperature zraka

Povišenje temperature zraka

Slabljenje Golfske struje

Slabljenje Golfske struje

Weakening of thermohaline circulation may disrupt water cycle even more in many places in the word.


Kopnena bioraznolikost

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

Riječne poplave

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa


Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

Potapanja priobalnih područja

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

Uragani (cikloni)

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

Other possible cause



Deforestation can perturb local precipitation.

Other possible consequences

Topljenje polarnih ledenih kapa

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

It's a bit technical, but the blue part of the map of Antarctica on card 19 represents a gain in mass due to an increase of precipitations. The red part represents a loss in mass. In total, Antarctica is losing mass.
Vektori zaraznih bolesti

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

The Vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.

Wrong cause

Topljenje morskih ledenjaka

Topljenje morskih ledenjaka

The melting of the Arctic ice pack, but also the melting of Greenland's glaciers may lead, in the distant future, to a disruption of the thermohaline circulation (which gives rise to the Gulf Stream). But beware, the "Water Cycle" card does not refer at all to the thermohaline circulation.

Wrong consequence

Porast razine mora

Poremećaj hidrološkog ciklusa

No, more rain is not going to cause the oceans to overflow! This is a rare mistake to be made, but if it happens to you, ask the players where rainclouds come from...
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