13 - Dodatni efekt staklenika

13 ° C - 18 ° C 15 ° C Efekt staklenika Infracrveno zračenje Refleksija Insolacija Dodatni efekt staklenika
Set 1 www.climatefresk.org 13 Efekt staklenika prirodna je pojava . Usput rečeno , najjači staklenički plin je vodena para. Bez efekta staklenika , planet bi bio hladniji za 33 ° C, a život kakav poznajemo ne bi bio moguć . Međutim , CO 2 i ostali staklenički plinovi (GHG) povezani s ljudskim djelovanjem pojačavaju efekt staklenika , što dovodi do poremećaja klimatske ravnoteže .


Emisije ostalih stakleničkih plinova (GHG)

Emisije ostalih stakleničkih plinova (GHG)

the "G" and the "H" on card 9 relate to "GreenHouse" on card 13.
Koncentracija CO2 (ppm - čestica na milijun)

Koncentracija CO2 (ppm - čestica na milijun)

You can recognize the molecules of the different GHGs on the card 13 : H2O (red and white), CO2 (grey and red), CH4 (grey and white), nitrious (blue and red).


Poremećaj bilance zračenja (Radiative forcing)

Dodatni efekt staklenika

The expression "Greenhouse Effect" is written on both sides (as of last version, October 2018).

Other possible cause



The permafrost card can be linked either to Other GHGs or to Additional Greenhouse Effect. The Other GHGs card is about GHGs emitted by human activities, while the methane in permafrost is not of human origin.

Wrong cause

Topljenje morskih ledenjaka

Topljenje morskih ledenjaka

This link would mark confusion with the amplifying effect due to albedo. The white sea ice melts to reveal a darker surface underneath and the extra energy absorbed warms the Earth. This mechanism is called albedo and has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect. It belongs to the orange arrows on card 13, not to the red arrows.
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