10 - Aerosoli

Aerosoli 10
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 10 Ovo se nimalo ne odnosi na aerosole iz sprejeva . Aerosoli su vrsta lokalnog zagađenja koje dolazi od nepotpunog sagrijevanja fosilnih goriva . Štete ljudskom zdravlju , ali imaju negativan utjecaj na poremećaj bilance zračenja , što znači da hlade klimu .


Fosilna goriva

Fosilna goriva


Poremećaj bilance zračenja (Radiative forcing)


Aerosols cool down the climate.
Ljudsko zdravlje


Although aerosols are not alone in the "fine particle" category, every year 391,000 people in EU countries die from air pollution, and it causes 1.1 million premature deaths in India and China. Air pollution such as soot caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil was responsible for 8.7m deaths globally in 2018.

Other possible causes

Korištenje zgrada

Korištenje zgrada

Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating.


Local pollution due to exhausts pipes is one of the main motivations to promote electric cars, far more than climate change. But EV are responsible for CO2 emissions due to power generation. These emissions depend a lot on the country where the car is rolling. See the file about it.


Spraying crops does result in aerosols and air pollution, but not to the same extent as incomplete combustion from power plants.
Šumski požari

Šumski požari

Smoke from wildfires has been shown to carry toxic particles.
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