42 - Metano hidratoak

Metano hidratoak 42
Lot 5 www.fresqueduclimat.org 42 Metano hidratoak (edo metano klatratoak), itsas hondoan, kontinente ezponden luzeran den izotz mota bat da. Metano molekulak bahitzen ditu eta ezegonkor bilaka daitezke 2 ° C - tik gorago.


Izotz-kaskoen urtzea

Izotz-kaskoen urtzea

Freshwater coming from the melting of Greenland may threaten the thermohaline circulation.


Karbono hustulekuak

Metano hidratoak

CO2 is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of CO2 by the ocean.

Metano hidratoak

Heat is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of energy by the ocean.
Uraren zikloaren asaldurak

Metano hidratoak

Weakening of thermohaline circulation may disrupt water cycle even more in many places in the word.
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