11 - CO₂ kontzentrazioa (ppm)

CO 2 kontzentrazioa (ppm) 1000 ppm 280 ppm 410 ppm 400 ppm Iturria: IPCC 11
www.fresqueduclimat.org Lot 2 11 Putzu naturalek CO isurketen erdia xurgatu ondoan, beste erdia atmosferan gelditzen da. 150 urtez, atmosferan kontzentratzen den CO kopurua 280 ppm - etik (milioikoparte) 410 ppm - era emendatu da.


Karbono hustulekuak

Karbono hustulekuak

the card n11 represents the concentration in CO2, understood in the atmosphere (it's written behind the card).


Berotegi-efektu gehigarria

CO₂ kontzentrazioa (ppm)

You can recognize the molecules of the different GHGs on the card 13 : H2O (red and white), CO2 (grey and red), CH4 (grey and white), nitrious (blue and red).

Wrong cause

CO₂ isurketak

CO₂ isurketak

Why not, but better link card 12 (Carbon sinks) to card 11. Card 12 is meant for that.

Wrong consequences

Karbono hustulekuak

CO₂ kontzentrazioa (ppm)

It can be argued that CO2 emissions take place before reaching carbon sinks. But the opposite link has our preference.
Ozeanoaren azidotzea

CO₂ kontzentrazioa (ppm)

Players often identify CO2 concentration as a cause for ocean acidification. But it is more logical to link back to carbon sinks.
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