14 - Balance energético


Forzamiento radiativo

Forzamiento radiativo

The text behind card n14 allows no ambiguity. Therefore the 2 cards have to be skipped together or not at all.
Hidratos de metano

Hidratos de metano

Heat is absorbed at the surface of the ocean. Thermohaline circulation helps mix watersurface and deep ocean which is essential to the absoption of energy by the ocean.


Deshielo de los glaciares

Balance energético

Aumento de la temperatura del agua

Balance energético

Deshielo de la banquisa

Balance energético

Deshielo de casquetes polares

Balance energético

Aumento de la temperatura

Balance energético

As mentionned on card 21, this is the temperature of the air, above ground, in average on the Earth.

Other possible consequence


Balance energético

If we take the idea of energy conservation all the way, we can link the energy budget to the thawing of permafrost.

Wrong cause

Sumideros de carbono

Sumideros de carbono

The idea here is not to say there is no link between these two cards, but to make sure they are not mixed up. The carbon sinks card tells us where the carbon goes. The energy budget card tells us where the excess energy goes. Both distribute something, but not the same thing. To make it even more confusing, the atmosphere and the ocean are present in both.
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