19 - Melting of Ice Caps

Melting Ice Sheets 19 + 23 ft ( 7 meters ) + 177 ft ( 54 meters ) Source: IPCC
Set 3 www.climatefresk.org 19 Greenland and Antarctica are ice sheets (or continental glaciers). If they were to completely melt, they will cause the sea level to rise by 23 feet ( 7 meters) for Greenland and 177 feet ( 54 meters) for Antarctica. During the last ice age, ice sheets were so much larger that the sea level was 390 feet ( 120 m) lower than today.


Energy Budget

Energy Budget


Sea Level Rise

Melting of Ice Caps

Methane Hydrates

Melting of Ice Caps

Freshwater coming from the melting of Greenland may threaten the thermohaline circulation.

Other possible cause

Disruption of the Water Cycle

Disruption of the Water Cycle

It's a bit technical, but the blue part of the map of Antarctica on card 19 represents a gain in mass due to an increase of precipitations. The red part represents a loss in mass. In total, Antarctica is losing mass.
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